Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Another glorious weekend in L-town

School is almost out! We are finally nearly free from the confines of the prison that is higher education. As for me, today does actually mark me being done with college! If I choose, I don't ever have to take another class again! This feeling is, of course, ruined by the fact that I am going to grad school next year. Bummer. Well, even more time gets to be spent climbing while I'm out of school so I am going to soak it up! This monday, Brian, Alicia, Jen and I got to get outside for "dead day", which is a day the school gives students off to study for finals. Hmmm... study or climb. Not really a fair choice. Brian was really psyched to go back to the practitioner, and he has been making really good progress on it, so our first stop was the forestlands. We stopped in lower forestlands to warm up, and the girls made really good headway on the real thing, which is an awesome technical problem, and one of my favorites in the forestlands! After a good warm up, we headed up to the practitioner. Brian had a couple B.S. burns, then hit the lip his next two goes! It was awesome to see Brian come so close to his project, and he is going to send that problem soon! We met up with Jeff at Kobra Kahn, and worked that for a while. That line is so classic and has great movement! None of us got it but I'm psyched to go back to it!
Alicia on The Real Thing
Brian nearing the lip of The Practitioner

Me not nearing the lip

After we had finished up in the forestlands, we went to egg rock, where Jen had some unfinished business with Sunshine Daydream. She made a lot of good progress, and she had amazing pogo beta which worked awesome! Unfortunately, the girls had to leave so they left Brian and I to massacre our skin and fall a lot!
Shhhh... don't tell Jen!
Jen on Sunshine Daydream

After the girls left, I decided I would try Musashi since I was at egg rock. I strapped my shoes on... and sent! I was really surprised and so happy! Definitely one of the coolest features in Leavenworth! Finally, Brian and I capped off our trip by going to check out Droppin the Kirschbaum. We made some decent progress on our first day, and we can' t wait to go back and try to link all the moves! SO MANY MOVES! However, the most exciting thing to happen to me was the arrival of my new Asana crash pad. So sick! I love it so so much! Asana is a great company, and these guys will do anything for you!
Me lovin' my new pad!!!!!

Well, it's another day of climb time tomorrow so expect another post soon!

1 comment:

  1. the great epic between Brian and the Practitioner will soon come to an end! Haha hey fellas, glad to run across your blog. see you out there...
