Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The last few weeks!

So now that school is almost over I have been climbing outside a lot more! Over the last week or two I have had some awsome accomplishments come my way. First off Superman went down two weeks ago on a trip out to levy with Mackenzie. During that trip Mac crushed several problems that had been thwarting her such as the hueco route and the scoop. This last thursday Mr. Dove showed me the Thunderdome problem up in the JY boulders and it shot instantly to the top of my routes I need to do list! just like Mad Max, Thunderdome is one of thoes problems that almost every move takes a lot of attention. This weekend might have been the most fun ever because Mac showed me how to ride her amazing horse! Riding a horse might be the coolest thing ever. However there was also some climbing this weekend. I started out up in Moutainhome where I finaly sent my fingernail tearing Darth Vader. After that it was back to the grind on Thunderdome which thwarted my attempts at the seend, but I feel like its gonna go down soon (but not too soon cuz then I would be out of projects again).


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